
Keep it super simple.

A unique feature of Ocams is that your members do not have to do anything to get their video. This means you can make video a standard amenity at your club. Members do not have to opt in, and instead, you can give them an option to opt out.

Because you have the ability to offer video as a standard amenity, you could raise dues by just a small amount across the board. You’d be surprised how much extra revenue you could generate by increasing your fees by only a few dollars.

go to the Revenue Simulator

This method of making video a standard feature has several advantages:

  1. No need to keep track of who get videos and who do not. Instead, every player simply gets the video
  2. Less need to market the video service to your members. Instead, your time and effort could be spent using video to market the club to attract new members
  3. There are more videos featuring your club logo in circulation, which translates into greater publicity for your club
  4. There are more videos featuring your club logo in circulation, which translates into greater publicity for your club are more likely to get traction

Remember: When you make video a standard feature at your club, you are extracting the greatest value possible from Ocams.